All the ways Maine is wicked good

Month: January 2018 (page 1 of 1)

Ice-coated branches

For the last few days, all the trees and shrubs have been coated in ice. When the sun hits them they shine as if dipped in rainbow shimmers of diamonds. Today the ice had icicles, and a male Northern Cardinal.



Female Hairy Woodpecker

It’s been trying to snow since about 11am this morning, with indifferent success. The temperature is getting colder though, and freezing rain is supposed to follow the snow late tonight and much of tomorrow.

This female Hairy Woodpecker decided to take advantage of the opportunity to stock up on some suet

Version 2

Sharp-Shinned Hawk

This Sharp-sinned hawk was, I suspect, eyeing the birds who were enthusiastically feeding after the massive amounts of snow dumped the previous day. I thought at first that it was a Cooper’s Hawk; they tend to hang out at bird feeders since they prey on smaller birds. But it’s often difficult to distinguish a Cooper’s Hawk from a Sharp-shinned hawk. I have therefore appealed to a higher authority for a final determination. Said authority said:

The spots on the back suggest Cooper’s Hawk, but the head shape, the pale line over the eye, and the limited white at the tip of the tail say Sharp-shinned.

The official verdict, based in part on the size of the bird: Sharp-shinned.

I made a short video of the unspecified hawk.
