All the ways Maine is wicked good

Category: Uncategorized (page 1 of 1)

Downy Woodpecker

I hear woodpeckers drumming quite a lot, Harry woodpeckers, Downy woodpeckers, and sometimes, Pileated woodpeckers. They all sound a little different, but sometimes, I can’t tell which is which. Today I saw a Downy woodpecker, first on the suet, then, on the finch feeder.


The little red dot marks it as a male. The slightly smaller size, the white bars on the shoulders mark it as a Downy woodpecker instead of the larger Harry woodpecker.

I think. It’s pretty hard to tell them apart sometimes.

Nor’ Easter Incoming

Starting tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday, and bringing snow and wind from about noon Wednesday to late Thursday. I’m smack-dab-in-the-middle of coastal Maine and the 12” to 18” inches.
