All the ways Maine is wicked good

Month: February 2018 (page 1 of 1)

Fish Crow

I actually took this picture a week ago today, during the previous snow fall. It’s taken me that long to decide what the bird was. It was crow-black, and had a crow-typical perch, but it wasn’ the mammoth size of the local American crows. It is, I think (after consulting my sibling and expert birder brother) a Fish Crow (Corvus ossifragus). They are here, and fairly common, but I usually hear them rather than see them. This one was perched for quite a while:

Trees with branches and twigs covered with snow, and a fish crow perched on a branch in the middle.

More Snow

This was a heavy, wet snow that lingered long enough to take pictures this morning, but now, the breeze and sun have already made some inroads.

